Do you long to rest your mind, recharge your body and nourish your heart? Do you want to deepen the connection with yourself and receive practical tools for self-regulation?
This is an invitation for you to meet yourself exactly as you are, with full permission to rest and recharge. A space where you can let go of the external world for a moment, connect to what’s true on the inside and shift from doing to being. And open to the possibility of remembering that you are already home – within yourself.
You will experience Yoga through both movement and stillness, somatic practices to bring awareness back into the body and sharing practices to come back to the heart. This retreat is weaved with a yoga therapeutic approach that invites our experiences to be less about performance and more about non-judgmental exploration as we open to receiving valuable information through the conversation with the body.
When you offer time and space to marinate in your own beingness, when you open your inner ears to listen to the ancient wisdom that speaks from the bones and the subtle whispers of the heart.. It opens a door for a truer connection to ourselves and other beings – to Nature and beyond.
If you want to rest in the sweetness of Yin and Restorative yoga together with fellow women, this retreat is for you. Sisters of all ages are welcome. No experience is required to join but it helps if you are familiar with yoga.
Get 300 kr off until the 31st of May, then the price will increase automatically.
“Anna Viktoria is an amazing yoga teacher and her energy is very calm and loving. She has the gift of making everyone feel seen and cared for. I really recommend her classes to anyone and everyone!”
“De här dagarna hjälpte mig att komma tillbaka i kontakt med mig själv och vad som är viktigt i mitt liv. Jag känner mig lugn, mjuk och full av tacksamhet.”

- Yin yoga
- Restorative yoga
- Yoga therapy
- Meditation
- Yoga Nidra
- Soft morning yoga
- New moon ritual
- Embodiment practices
- Somatics
- Reflections, journaling, sharing
- Deep rest
- Sacred mirroring and heartfelt conversations
- The lush forest, the lake, the sky, and the earth
- The floating sauna
- Delicious, nourishing vegetarian food
- …and more
Join Anna for a free online class – Restorative Yoga 55 minutes
“I’ve been doing yoga for 15 years now with many different yoga teachers. But I never had anyone that been stimulating me at so many levels and frequencies at the same time. It’s so unique to be in her session, because I feel the healing processes happening while I’m experiencing the yoga. Yes, she is much more than just another yoga teacher. Anna is my no er 1 choice since 6 years.”
You can view our accommodation options below.
Please note that bringing your own tent is also an option.
For more information on our rooms and facilities, please visit our The Place page.

Twin Bedroom Shared

Triple Bedroom Shared

Soulpad Glamping Tent (double bed) – lake view, heating and electricity
13:30 – 15:30 Check in
15:00 – 17:00 Sauna
17:00 Welcome Circle & Yoga
19:00 Dinner
20:30 Fire Ceremony
07:30 Slow morning flow
09:00 Breakfast
11:00 Yin yoga
13:30 Lunch
15:00 Sauna & Rest
17:00 Restorative yoga
19:00 Dinner
20:30 Evening meditation
07:30 Slow morning flow
09:00 Breakfast
11:00 Therapeutic Yin yoga
13:30 Lunch
15:00 Sauna & Rest
17:30 Yoga nidra
19:00 Dinner
07:30 Slow morning flow
09:00 Breakfast
11:00 Closing circle
13:30 Lunch
meet the team

Anna Viktoria Åkerlund
Anna brinner för att förmedla sin kunskap med värme på ett lättillgängligt sätt med ett hjärta som slår extra för yogans helande och terapeutiska effekter. Du är redan hel och fullkomlig, ingenting behöver fixas eller ändras. Hon väver gärna in yogisk filosofi, mytologi och subtil energi i praktiken. Hur är det att uppleva oss själva utöver det fysiska? Anna känner meningsfullhet av kunskapen från Vedanta och poesi som berör själen. Hon ser yoga som ett inre utforskande som bemöter, berör och vibrerar vidare från yogamattan ut i livet.
Anna är utbildad Yogaterapeut enligt IAYT och certifierad inom Hatha yoga, Yin Yoga, Medicinsk yoga, Akhanda Yoga, Yoga therapy & alignment, Yin Fascial Yoga och Yoga Nidra. Hon har 8 års erfarenhet av att dela yoga i olika former samt håller retreats, kurser, workshops och undervisar på yogalärarutbildningar.
MORE at Shambala
How to get here
Shambala Gatherings
Borntorpet 1
Located just two hours away from Stockholm in Skinnskatteberg, Sweden, the area is easily accessible by air, train and car, making a great option for a short break wildlife destination.
- Coming by air: The nearest airport to Shambala is Stockholm Vasteras. The second nearest airport is Arlanda airport, the main airport in Sweden. You can easily take a train all the way to Skinnskatteberg from both of them.
- Coming by train / bus: We are fortunate to have a train / bus station at Skinnskatteberg only 5 minutes ride from the center. We offer free pick up services from this station in summer.
- Coming by car: Simply open this Google map on your navigator and follow directions to Borntorpet 1 in Skinnskatteberg, Sweden.