Book by the 15th of December, and enjoy a discount of 600 sek.
Coupon code: ASHTANGA600
“Tidigt i mitt yogaliv kom Maria in i bilden, jag visste inte mycket om ashtanga, men gick på en av mina första stapplande mysoreklasser för Maria. Det var med en ödmjukhet, en fast hand och en bra guidning, som Maria öppnade dessa rum. Det väcktes en förståelse i mig om vad ashtangans serier innebär det finurliga i denna tradition.
Under mina dryga 10 år som yogini, har jag yogat flertalet ggr för Maria, jag har arbetat med Maria på hennes fördjupningsutbildningar, jag har varit på retreats med henne och det är med värme, kunskap, humor, glimten i ögat och en vördnad för denna lära och filosofi som Maria delar med sig av sin kunskap.
Tack Maria!”
“Maria bär med sig en rikedom av erfarenhet från en värld med tusentals år tillbaka av kunskap och visdom. Med ett mjukt och empatiskt tillvägagångssätt vägleder hon oss elever på vägen till insikt och förståelse. Genom sitt inspirerande ledarskap lyfter hon andra till nya höjder och sprider ljus och visdom omkring sig. Hennes närvaro är som en källa av kunskap och inspiration, hennes ord är som en viskning av visdom som når hjärtat”
”Maria är en fantastisk lärare, som med djup kunskap och stor erfarenhet inom yogans alla delar, har en förmåga att på ett personligt och enkelt sätt förmedla det till sina elever. Det är roligt, spännande och utmanande att jobba med henne”
“Maria är en lärare som ser lyssnar och förstår. Hon möter mig där jag är i yogan och med fast hand guidar mig för att utvecklas och alltid med glimten i ögat”
“Maria har ett sätt att lära ut yoga som verkligen passar alla, oavsett förutsättningar. Hon är en fantastisk lärare som anpassar träningen efter dina individuella behov och förklarar på ett sätt som alla kan förstå – även för mig som är mindre rörlig. Om du får chansen att yoga med Maria, ta den! Hon är genuin, och jag känner mig hedrad och stolt över att ha fått ha henne som min yogalärare, TACK!”
✧ 3 morning Ashtanga classes
✧ 3 afternoon classes with restorative, philosophy, meditation and pranayama
✧ 2 nature walks with swimming in the lake
✧ 3 evening classes, kirtan, meditation pranayama and Q&A
✧ 3 dinners, 3 lunches, 3 breakfasts
✧ Sauna
✧ Accomodation
Number of places: 22
Shambala Retreat Center is nestled in the heart of Bergslagen, surrounded by lush forests and a tranquil lake. The natural setting invites you to enjoy peaceful walks, refreshing swims, and moments of reflection.
One of the highlights of your stay will be the floating sauna, beautifully situated by the lake for a soothing experience.
Accommodations at Shambala are simple and clean, with options to share a room with one or two others, enjoy a private single room, or even try glamping. Rooms are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
View our accommodation options below.
For more information on our rooms and facilities, please visit our The Place page.
Twin Bedroom Shared
(can be booked as Private Room)
Triple Bedroom Shared
Soulpad Glamping Tent
double bed, lake view, heating and electricity
Your Own Tent
(The schedule is organic and subject to change)
Arrival Time: Earliest 3:00 PM
Departure Time: 3:00 PM
Please note that we are unable to accommodate early arrivals or late departures. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to your stay!
15:00–16:00 Arriving and checking in
16:00-17:00 Welcome circle and introduction of the course
17:30-19:00 Philosophy, restorative and pranayama
19:00 Dinner
20:30-21:00 Q&A followed by a short meditation
07:00-09:00 Led class up to Navasana followed by Mysore style practice for the ones who want to continue practicing
09:00 Silent breakfast and reflection time
10:30-11:30 Forest walk with meditation and gatherings from the nature, for the Mandala circle in the evening
13:30 Lunch
14:30 Free time, sauna, swimming, resting and whatever makes you happy
17:30 Creating our own forest Mandala, followed by setting our own Sankalpa. Philosophy and mantra
19:00 Dinner
20:30-21:00 Pranayama
07:00-09:00 Led class through the standing asanas, followed by Mysore style practice for the ones who want to continue practice
09:00 Silent breakfast and reflection time
10:30-11:30 Walk and talk around the lake
13:30 Lunch
14:30 Free time, sauna, swimming, resting and whatever makes you happy
17:30-19:00 Philosophy and pranayama
19:00 Dinner
20:30 Kirtan
07:00-09:00 Led class through the standing asanas, followed by Mysore style practice for the ones who want to continue practice
09:00 Silent breakfast and reflection time
10:30-12:00 Q&A and closing circle
13:30 Lunch
15:00 Check out
meet the team
Maria Boox
Maria Boox is a Swedish yoga pioneer with a profound passion for yoga. She has been practicing and teaching for forty years and is considered a trailblazer, having opened one of the first yoga shalas in Sweden. Yogashala Stockholm was Maria’s home for ten years, and many teachers in Stockholm and across Sweden have studied with and learned from her. Maria now teaches yoga independently worldwide.
Maria’s teaching is characterized by warmth and care. Her deep knowledge of yoga, pranayama, philosophy, and Ayurveda creates a holistic approach that adds depth and meaning beyond asanas. She has a unique ability to see and address each student’s individual needs.
Maria is a dedicated student of her beloved Guruji, Pattabhi Jois, with whom she studied for thirteen years. She is authorized at Level Two by Guruji and also by Sharath.
Maria is well-established in the Ashtanga yoga tradition and continues her studies in the lineage of many esteemed teachers. She is certified by BKS Iyengar, studies philosophy with Ramesh Balsekar, and has been certified to teach pranayama by Shri O.P. Tiwari. Additionally, Maria has completed a two-year training in Shamanic Healing at Gaia Life Retreat Centre.
Anna Hennig
Anna Hennig is a devoted yoga student who first encountered yoga in 1997. In 2006, she met Maria and began practicing and learning Ashtanga yoga, a method to which she has been dedicated ever since. Anna has completed several trainings under Maria’s guidance and has assisted her in numerous extended yoga courses. Since 2019, Anna has continued to assist Maria at various workshops, retreats, and deepening courses. Anna currently runs Yogashala South Sweden in Kristianstad.
Hi there! I’m Lalita, and I’m here to assist you with any questions you might have. However, before emailing me, please try using our chat box or checking our FAQs. This really helps reduce my email load and ensures I’m available when you really need me. Thank you so much for helping me to help you!
MORE at Shambala
How to get here
Shambala Gatherings
Borntorpet 1
Located just two hours away from Stockholm in Skinnskatteberg, Sweden, the area is easily accessible by air, train and car, making a great option for a short break wildlife destination.
- Coming by air: The nearest airport to Shambala is Stockholm Vasteras. The second nearest airport is Arlanda airport, the main airport in Sweden. You can easily take a train all the way to Skinnskatteberg from both of them.
- Coming by train / bus: We are fortunate to have a train / bus station at Skinnskatteberg only 5 minutes ride from the center. We offer free pick up services from this station in summer.
- Coming by car: Simply open this Google map on your navigator and follow directions to Borntorpet 1 in Skinnskatteberg, Sweden.
Click here for more details on location
Important: Please note that we don’t assist with or organize travels for guests. You may search for itineraries and tickets here: sj.se